Monday, February 20, 2012

Overworked & Underpaid?

I have hit one of those walls.  Ya know those ones where you stop and ask yourself why you are doing what you are doing.  I do everything for everyone else.  Obviously I do everything for DJ, but he is my son.  But with Tim and my parents I do everything that everyone asks and it is taking its toll on me.  I neglect doing anything for myself and I really wish that anyone would take notice and at least appreciate what I do let alone reciprocate. 
It has now been 8 days since Tim's blow up with his mother.  No one has called him and he said he has no plans to contact them.  He pointed out to her how he feels like she is putting DJ off and not making any effort to see him and she responded with saying he was just trying to guilt trip her.  I love how he tried to share his feelings and she spit all over them.  He was trying to point out how she does everything that his sister asks and more (even as far as his sister sending her DIRTY DISHES to his mom and her washing and returning them) and she does nothing to help us.  It's not that we even need her help... well except the day I was sick and needed to go to the doctor but she was too busy watching Harrison and the neighbor girls.  Maybe if she had kept her nose out of the neighbors drama she would have had time for her family.  But I think that is the problem... she doesn't see Tim as family.  She goes out of her way to do things for his sister such as driving to her house, getting Harrison to watch him, driving home with him and watching him for the day then running him back home when his sister calls and says she wants her child back.  I guess that is what family is all about... though I think that is an abusive relationship because Tim's sister is definitely abusing his mothers want/need to help. 
Back to the 'no calls' thing.  I'm shocked that no one, not even Tim's dad, has called.  Tim was so upset and told his mother how he feels like she doesn't even love him anymore and that he has always felt that his parents have had a favorite child.  I would have thought that if this were untrue, as she claimed it was, that she would have made an effort to see her grandson.  Nothing....  I guess the only plus side to them deciding they do not want us in their life anymore would be that we will not have to explain to DJ in the future why things are so different between him and his cousin. 
Somehow, I can see them thinking that Tim needs to apologize.  I don't know how anyone could possibly expect him to apologize for how he feels and sees things.  I feel so bad for him because this is his only family, and he won't be able to share his son's life with them as they seem to have chosen to not be a part of it.  Tim has sat and listened to both of his parents complain about each other and money and spending habits and not cast anyone out of his life for the HELL they have put him through and yet at his first sign of having feelings they cast him off like last weeks trash.  I wish I knew what to do, but he has seemed depressed lately.  I want to suggest him going to see a therapist to talk about how he feels but I don't know if he would go for that.  I would love for him to go see his dads therapist (about himself, not his dad) so that the therapist can get an idea of the relationship between the two from both sides and thus would be better able to help Tim.  The whole therapist thing has been a touchy subject too.  I cannot remember how many times Tim's mother has wanted him to go 'set that therapist straight' because SHE was having problems with his DAD.  Those two needed to sit down, not Tim taking a notebook with her complaints.  But, as per usual, she wants the world to fix her problems so she doesn't have to lift a finger, just like with her damn dog.  I had to do all that work for her and had she just recognized that it was her choice to leave her dog there then I wouldn't have wasted a few weeks of my life. 
That dog thing is just another example of me going above and beyond without any reciprocation.  She chose to leave her dog at an iffy vet to do surgery which was done after 3 or 4 (?) days and was unsuccessful.  Had she just taken her dog after two days of 'surgery will be done today' and it not happening then she could have had a reliable vet do the surgery.  Alas, she left her there to die.  And after that choice she decided to not pay her vet bill (because he killed her dog, of course) and to try to get his vet license revoked.  Yes, the guy had a horrible track record and was on probation at the time but he had evidence to prove that her dog was terminal anyways.  None of that negates the fact that she left her dog there to die, essentially.  And after all of the work I went through and my dog passing what did she do?  No a damn thing.  They brought dinner to us, fast food and at that it was KFC which I just about hate.  She couldn't even lift her finger to make a real meal or to even drive to a damn restaurant that I like.  No further mention of my poor dog.  Hell, she was on the other side of the state and wouldn't return our phone calls so she didn't even know about it until 3 days later.  I guess I really get what I deserve because I am helpful to such ungrateful people.
Okay, not everyone is ungrateful because my parents go above and beyond for the three of us.  And Tim is grateful but sucks at showing it and really has no clue how to reciprocate it.  I just wish he would try!  I wouldn't care if he chose a crappy restaurant and the food sucked, to have him plan a date night would be awesome.  And not a "the three of us are going here'' date night.  I want a "lets drop DJ off at your parents house and go here" kind of date night.  I love being around DJ, but I would love to eat just one meal hot!  Usually one of us ends up eating first, then passing DJ to the other while the second one eats.  I want to enjoy a meal with Tim. 
Holy crap, look at how much I was able to write before DJ woke up!  That meaning he is stirring next to me and wants his butt changed and a bottle :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Sleepy time

So last night DJ gave us another 9 hour stretch making this the second one this month!  He has done a few 6-7 hour stretches too.  He is learning how to STTN which is awesome for mommy and daddy's sleep. 
Tim and DJ went and got me the new Twilight movie: Breaking Dawn Part 1 and I must say I'm not that impressed.  Did Kristen Stewart actually get that sickly to play the part?  It kinda looked like it but who knows.  What I do know for sure was that she was disgusting and I cannot wait for Part 2 to come out.  I'm a total nerd.
Tim baby proofed the house.  Early yes?  Actually what we did was Torque proof the house.  He gets into cabinets and hauls things out so we finally just baby proofed everything so the dog, not the baby, will stay out of stuff.  It should make life a bit less hectic that day that DJ decides to get up and run around. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012


So alcoholics have relapses right?  And drug addicts?  And gamblers?  Well apparently so do shopaholics.  Today Tim informed me that I had spent over $600 over the last few days between gas, online shopping and a few things in-store that I grabbed.  Here I was all excited about having saved us so much money with my coupon shopping and yet I wasn't paying any attention to the rest of my shopping.  The shame!  Oh the shame!  We had a few more places that I wanted to go today and I told Tim to take me home.  I have an addiction and the best therapy is NOT retail therapy, it is sit at home and update my blog and clean therapy. 
So I think we had our snowmageddon for the year.  We got around 4 inches of snow and with the 30+ mph winds we had some drifts that were around 8 inches tall!  This is actually not much snow for Michigan, but with the super mild winter that we are having I think this may be the 'big' snow fall.
Well I have to go, the hubbers is playing with the camera and won't help me so I can finish this update....


I haven't really paid much attention to posts lately because I have been focusing on making this thing look pretty!  Ta-Da!  My shiny new blog!
What is new in my world?  I attended a couponing class with Savings Mania and learned how to coupon!  We went to the store today and our total was $173 before coupons and discounts.  We paid $62.25!  How awesome is that?
I was in love with our new camera.  That relationship is dying, or rather the relationship with Canon is.  There is a scratch or something on the sensor so it needs to be professionally cleaned.  There is a Canon Service Center 30 minutes from our house which will have the camera ready in a few days but Canon claims this place does not exist and that we have to ship our camera out and be without it for at least 2 weeks!  Not to mention WE have to pay shipping and they will not cover damage during shipping.  We can pay for insurance but USPS would then have to cover damages and replace the camera which would take more time (IF anything happend).  The other option would be shipping FedEx and we all know what I think of them.  Needless to say we are just going to pay and have the local AUTHORIZED center clean the sensor.  Stupid Canon employees and their lack of knowledge.
The Moby making adventure was a success!  I made a Moby style wrap with a pocket!  I did the ends different as well so that it would tie easier.  I love the new wrap but still use the camo Moby lots just because it is camo and awesome.
Valentines day is Tuesday so Tim is planning to make me dinner tomorrow night.  This should be interesting!  He is making Lazy Lasagna for me with homemade garlic toast!  I can't wait, he rarely cooks for me anymore and it will be nice to take a lazy weekend and just spend time together and with DJ.
Speaking of DJ, he is a pro at this whole tummy time thing!  I think he is going to be trying to crawl soon.  He can hold himself up nicely without the Boppy pillow and kicks like a mad lil man with his legs while he is propped up.  I need to video it next time just so I can compare his progress.  He is holding himself up so much better than he was last week!
DJ is 10 Weeks old now!

I can't believe how fast he is growing!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I broke Tim's truck

Well I didn't actually break it... he has been having some trouble with it and since I am finally okay with climbing up into the thing after my c-section he had me drive it to see if I noticed a difference in power ect.  Well I did notice that it just didn't get up and go like it used to.  I was about to turn around and head home anyways and it coughed and threw an engine code so I rushed home and had him run off to have the code read.  I was so excited because he would have somewhere to look!  The damn thing didn't have the light on long enough to actually store the code.  Guess it's back to tearing the motor down piece by piece and seeing what is wrong.  I hate doing it that way, it usually ends up being more expensive.  And to top it off Tim is driving MY Firebird.  It's just not safe to put DJ in and the three of us can't go anywhere in it so I'm still in my Durango.  Don't get me wrong, I love my SUV but I also love that car and it has been more his than mine even though it was bought for me.
In baby news, Mr. Crabby Pants is having an oral invasion.  He has at least two teeth making their grand appearance on the top and one on the bottom.  He is not happy about this either.  I was the unsuspecting mother who didn't think he would teeth for a few more months so all of his teether toys were still in their packages in the closet.  I had to rush last night to get them all washed and put in the fridge.  Yes... the fridge.  I always thought they were frozen but every package expressly said not to freeze them.  I even put his binkys in the fridge because some of the teethers are just too big for his sore lil mouth.
Well I'm off to play with my dads new toy; he got a Kindle Fire and I'm setting it all up for him meaning I am playing with it as much as possible while I have it :D

Monday, January 23, 2012

The new toy

So after having Sears screw up our Christmas/One month portraits of DJ a second time we decided to forgo continuing with professional pictures and to just do our own.  To do that we needed a really good camera so after researching and testing out a ton of them we decided on a Canon Rebel EOS T3!  I am amazed at the quality of the pictures and how easy it is to use!  Out of the box we began playing with it and have some beautiful pictures of DJ and his cousin Harrison after just 10 minutes.  We were debating between the Nikon D3100 and this camera but we both found the Canon much easier to use not to mention the shutter speed was faster.
DJ is doing good, he is trying to stand in our laps now and is much better at holding his head up.  He slept through the night Saturday!  He had a good 8, almost 9, hour stretch.  Tim woke up and looked at the clock then jumped up to check on DJ because he couldn't believe that he slept so long :)  Right now he is in his soother next to me playing with all the toys I attached to the toy bar.  It has 3 but since he sometimes would rather be in there than being up and playing or in the Boppy pillow I decided to make it more interesting with him.  He is getting to that point where he needs a little bit of alone time everyday to play by himself :(  My little boy is growing up!  I remember just a few weeks ago when he wanted to be held all the time.  Last night he did want to be held for most of the night though.  We had a rare January thunderstorm and he was scared by all the light flashes and thunder booms. 
Well I'm off until next time, whenever that may be....

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Awake all the time

Well all I have time for is a quick update as DJ will probably wake up any minute.  All he seems to do anymore is take short half hour naps during the day until I can finally get him to lay down for the night. 
He is smiling and laughing so much now!  He bats at things with his hands and watches things as they move around in front of him.  I can't believe how quick he is growing; he is 7 weeks old already!
Well that is all for tonight, I have to use this nap time to eat dinner to... now to figure out what I can eat though I'm thinking it's cereal again